Wednesday, December 25, 2019

What Value Of Property Can Be Determined By A Number Of...

The value of property can be determined by a number of factors. These could be size, location, type, design, and age with energy efficiency being one of the weakest factors (DECC, 2013). Nevertheless the need for sustainable properties is growing and may begin to influence the value both in terms of purchasers’ behaviour and occupiers’ preferences (RICS, 2014). In the UK property valuation has to comply with the RICS Valuation – Professional Standards (the â€Å"Red Book†), 2014. The Red Book (2014) includes mandatory valuation rules and best practice guidance to undertake valuations. It notes that valuation professionals should be aware of sustainable features and the implications these have on property values in the present and future.†¦show more content†¦This represents a significant premium of 40% being paid for sustainable properties, even taking into account 10-15% premium that is usually attributed for new developments. However, this evidence is based on one area and cannot be generalised to the whole of the country. Nevertheless they note that there is a shortage of homes in the UK, with high demand and insufficient supply, and therefore it must be evaluated who are the people that are willing and able to pay a higher premium for sustainable properties (Rodrigues et al, 2012). The UK government and national newspapers have published a number of news articles on the topic; however these may be subject to industry bias. In 2012 a study was conducted by the Department of Energy and Climate Change, which analyses the impact of different EPC ratings on property value (DECC, 2013). The study found that properties with EPC rating D are sold for 8% more than those with a G rating and homes with A or B ratings are sold for 14% more than the lowest rated properties. The analysis shown per region can be found in Appendix 5. Additionally the study ascertains that the majority of properties have a C, D and E EPC rating with flats being the most efficient as nearly half of them are rated a C or a B. The regional variations show that price variations are considerably smaller inShow MoreRelatedDifferent Types Of Rental Expense1175 Words   |  5 PagesRental Expense can be similar to home values. Some may own a property, and some may rent a place, which can be a studio, 1 bedroom or 2-bedroom apartment, etc. The more prime the location the more the rental will be. From our research of the 40 cities the mean rental is $1,426.51. To rent a property today, you’ll have to show proof of income, if the owner sees you have been making a significant amount he/she may agree to rent the property. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Breaking Down Gender Roles Analysis - 905 Words

Kaveen Herath HON 296 003 Fiction and the Sciences Dr. C. Mainland Breaking Down Gender Roles Schnitzler’s Frà ¤ulein Else is a first-person stream-of-consciousness narrative about Else, a nineteen year old girl living in the 1900s. By writing as a stream of consciousness, Schnitzler provides the reader with a first-person account of everything that happened, and Else’s reasons for each of her actions. Else is told by her family to ask for money from a family friend, Mr. Dorsday, and the story flows with this incident, as she tries to get some money while keeping her dignity at the same time. As the story progresses, it is evident that Else is rebelling against all the gender roles imposed on her and the Bourgeois family structure at the time, and taking control of her own life. Else’s view of the world, and Else s view of her mother’s actions both imply that she is struggling to break away from the norm, and trying to be her own unique person. There are several points throughout the story where Else heavily criticizes her mother’s actions, and behaviors. Else sees her mother as someone who is clueless about her surroundings, and only attempt to be a good wife. According to Else her mother fits into the role of a perfect wife in a Bourgeois family, and Else hates and despises her for that. In Else’s thoughts her mother is always displayed in a negative light, and Else states several times that she doesn t want to be like her mother. Else recalls when her motherShow MoreRelatedThe Golden Woman: An Analysis Of Gender Politics In Hong1675 Words   |  7 PagesThe Golden Woman: An Analysis of Gender Politics in Hong Kong Nocturne She is beauty, she is grace, and she is a conniving money-hog. She is: The Golden Woman. The Golden Woman, trapped within the confines of the patriarchy, transcends a national identity, yet still seeks refuge from the misogyny unique to her own culture. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Critical System Thinking for Project Stages-

Question: Discuss about theCritical System Thinkingfor Project Development Stages. Answer: Introduction Critical thinking is efficient tool in analyzing any situation or typical scenario in order to draw conclusion. Therefore, the analysis of any scenario requires effective system thinking approaches and tools in order to the relate consequences with the scenario (Boud, Cohe and Sampson 2014). Critical aspects are those takes the analyzers attraction while studying the concerned case study or analyzing ht scenarios. In contrast with this fact, from the point of view of a project manager these tools are great measures for identifying risks and functional problems associated with scenarios and conflicting situations involved within any project development stages. This essay is encompassing the reflection of critical thinking and the use of system thinking tools and methods in order to analyze critical scenarios of the case study BP Deepwater Horizon Crisis and SEBoK. These two case materials are analyzed within this essay with respect to various functional tools and critical thinking approaches. Discussion Analysis of SEBoK This book guides the author in understanding the System Engineering body of knowledge for recognizing the curriculum to advance system engineering projects. the system engineering is one interdisciplinary approach that enables the full lifecycles of successful and efficient system architecture ( 2017). These system lifecycles generally consists of issues, developmental standards and functional areas of sustainment. All of these stages and important concepts about these stages are elaborated within this book with respect to the overview of systems (Beringer, Jonas and Kock 2013). Additionally, this book also considers the economic value creation of these sustainable system development lifecycle with respect to various critical concepts and scenarios involved within the system development lifecycles. SEBoK has different segmented content set that consists of introduction to the role of System Engineering, Foundations required for System Engineering, Management of life cycle of System Engineering processes and practices, Applications of System Engineering, Disciplines and rules required for managing the development System Engineering standards within project or practices ( 2017). Therefore, all of these aspects relate their functionality with General System management, Business value, Engineering risks and risks Management concepts. The general system management approach takes centre of attraction in case of analyzing the contents of SEBoK. The theories and processes described within this general system Management prioritize the functionality of the system architecture and process. This means that the outcomes from any project or system development life cycle are focused within general system management processes ( 2017). In addition to this, the SEBoK consists of the description about the applications and relevances of Standard of life cycle of a system and System Engineering approaches that includes highlights the impact and usefulness of Business Value creation within any system development processes ( 2017). One important segment within the SEBoK is creation of knowledge, team and relation among people involved within any project team. These significant aspects relate the business value creation process. Engineering Risks and Risk Management are another two important aspects that needs to be recognized during the development of system development lifecycle or project Management. Therefore, identification of the issues and functional problems are important aspects to be considered while identifying risks and managing risk within any engineering system architecture. Therefore, from a critical point of view identification of risks and management of risks are important for managing system development life cycle ( 2017). The theories and processes involved within the risks identification and risk management contexts of the system engineering processes (Beringer, Jonas and Kock 2013). The applications of system engineering are elaborated within SEBoK for managing significant system development approaches and functionalities ( 2017). The system engineering concepts are considered within this book for managing and elaborating various concepts and functionalities of standard life cycle development of system engineering concepts. SEBoK provides effective knowledge development about the concepts and functionalities of system engineering concepts within any project or organization. In addition to these approaches, this book is presenting significant development of business values within the organizations in order to create sustainability of system architecture ( 2017). Business value providences and identification of risks as well as risk management are considered as effective system thinking tool in evaluating the contents that are present within this book. The book considers scope, knowledge and value creation about system development approaches involved within any system development aspect. Analysis of A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Control, Kerzner, 2013 This book is recognized as one of the most popular book for project management concepts and theories that are applicable within organizations (Kerzner 2013). This book elaborates about various concepts and functionalities involved within project management such as project scheduling, project management plan, project development phases etc. All of these descriptions provided within this Project Management book elaborate significant consequences that a project manager considers or manages during a project development plan (Kerzner 2013). In addition to this, this book not only elaborates the facts about project management rules and regulations but also it explains about various consequences involved within the general system management concerns involved within a project. There are various logical explanations that are implemented within any project management or project development plan but all of these aspects should be evaluated with respect to various theories and functional aspects involved within any project management plan (Kerzner 2013). General system management, Business value, organizational maturity and risk management as well as assessment are considered as efficient tools for analyzing the different contents involved within the considered PM book of Kerzner (Beringer, Jonas and Kock 2013). General system management is one concept that is required for managing the development of the organizations and projects with respect to various functions involved within any project (Kerzner 2013). The general system management generally considers the successful outcomes from the project, which is managed with respect to the system tools and techniques (Kerzner 2013). In addition to this, organizational maturity is another aspect that is considered for understanding the project management methodologies involved within any project development phases and structures. Organizational work flow and traditional organizational approaches for project management are elaborated within this article and these aspects are evaluated with respect to organizational maturity concepts. Organizational maturity states that the organizations those have significant experiences over their past incidents that manages development of projects (Kerzner 2013). This book is also elaborating about the risks management and risk identification processes that are elaborated with respect to the concepts of functional areas of project development aspects and concerns. Analysis of AS/NZS 15288:2013 System Engineering- System Life Cycle Process The system development approaches are getting complex in contemporary as there are various consequences and functionalities that are being included within the system development life cycles. The system complexity is increased to an unprecedented level (Heagney 2016). These increased complexities have increased the opportunities for the business organizations as well as these increased the challenges for organizations and projects. Therefore, at this point of time some set of standards and regulatory measures are required for managing these complexities of system development life cycle (Heldman 2015). This journal stated about various System Life Cycle Processes and development phases that are included within the system engineering concepts involved within any system development life cycle (Beringer, Jonas and Kock 2013). The Australian government has published some group of standards that are helpful in managing the development and management of system engineering concepts within any project management. Organizational Structures, engineering risks and risk management along with organizational maturity concepts are used as tools for evaluating the concepts involved within the system development life cycle for gaining competitive advantages (Hwang and Ng 2013). The journal is considering different significant stages of system development engineering processes which need to be critically analyzed with respect to the selected theories and processes. Scope of developing any system within project or organization, confirmation of system development plan, system life cycle processes, Enterprise environment for resource management etc are elaborated within this journal in order to incorporate the elaboration about system development life cycle and its consequences. Organizational structure is very important measure that states any system development aspect needs to be managed with respect to the considerations involved within the enterprise processes or system development life cycle (Leach 2014). Organizational structure decides the functional measure that manages the system development concepts as the organizational structure mandates the functional elements and objectives behind the system development and system engineering concepts. In accordance with the information provided within AS/NZS 15288:2013 System Engineering- System Life Cycle Process, this is found that the investment management process and project planning processes are elaborated with respect to the concept of system development approaches which can be evaluated with respect to organizational maturity concepts within any organization or project (Lock 2014). The concept of organizational maturity decides the depth of knowledge that the company has about investment standards and project planning concepts (Beringer, Jonas and Kock 2013). Organizational maturity makes the organization compatible with the functional advantageous conditions involved within the development of system approaches. Apart from all of these discussions, Engineering Risks and Risks Management are two significant aspects that manages the issues and functional errors involved within the system development life cycle approaches (Mir and Pinnington 2014). The concerned journal AS/NZS 15288:2013 System Engineering- System Life Cycle Process states about the risks management plan and project control processes that reduces the chances of errors and functional issues involved within the system development approaches and functional measures involved within the system management processes. Therefore, the system development as well as system engineering methods involves various security aspects that are evaluated with respect to Engineering Risks and Risks Management system tools introduced within this essay (Turner 2014). Analysis of BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Case Study According to Christina et al. (2010), BP Oil and Gas Group is established in the year of 1908. Headquarter of this organization is in UK. According to the surveys about this organization, this was recognized as largest oil company along with 92, 000 employees all around their centers of the organization (Christina et al. 2010). The deepwater horizon was owned as well as operated by offshore oil drilling company Transocean and this was leaded by the company BP. In addition to this, this company was situated within Macondo within Mississippi Canyon. In accordance with the information provided within the case about BP Oil spills this was recognized that the organization faced deepwater horizon oil spill into the ocean in the year of 2010 as it had experienced three major cracks within their system infrastructure (Christina et al. 2010). In contrast with these facts, organizational maturity and Engineering risk management are considered for managing the risks and performance measures within this case study (Christina et al. 2010). Therefore, the project manager and technical head of BP needs to be managed within the project for gaining competitive advantages within their organization. In contrast with these facts, there are different concepts and contexts that are managed with respect to different project management tools and considerations within the project management (Christina et al. 2010). The organizations are capable of managing different activities within their organization for managing development aspects with respect to their fundamental objectives. Conclusion This can be concluded that system thinking tools and processes are important to be studied and utilized for analyzing any case scenarios and case study with respect various important consequences involved within the case study. There are various theories and ideas utilized within this essay in order to manage significant analysis of the case scenario, such as general system management, organizational structures, forms and culture, engineering risks and risk management, portfolio alignment, business value, portfolio management and organizational maturity. All of these contexts are being applied within the considered case studies for developing the approach of critical thinking within this essay with. In contrast with these facts, the main objectives behind this assignment is to develop the concepts of project management with respect to different system thinking and critical scenario analysis tools that are helpful in solving issues and functional problems involved within any project. Therefore, from this assignment this is identified that the functionalities involved within the project management concepts are highlighted within this task in order to understand the critical thinking approaches involved within this particular aspect. References Beringer, C., Jonas, D. and Kock, A., 2013. Behavior of internal stakeholders in project portfolio management and its impact on success.International Journal of Project Management,31(6), pp.830-846. Boud, D., Cohen, R. and Sampson, J. eds., 2014.Peer learning in higher education: Learning from and with each other. Routledge. Cherry, M.A. and Sneirson, J.F., 2010. Beyond profit: Rethinking corporate social responsibility and greenwashing after the BP oil disaster. Christina Ingersoll, Richard M. Locke, Cate Reavis (2010). [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 May 2017]. Heagney, J., 2016.Fundamentals of project management. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. Heldman, K., 2015.PMP Project Management Professional Exam Deluxe Study Guide: Updated for the 2015 Exam. John Wiley Sons. Hwang, B.G. and Ng, W.J., 2013. Project management knowledge and skills for green construction: Overcoming challenges.International Journal of Project Management,31(2), pp.272-284. Kerzner, H. (2013).Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Leach, L.P., 2014.Critical chain project management. Artech House. Lock, M.D., 2014.The essentials of project management. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.. Mir, F.A. and Pinnington, A.H., 2014. Exploring the value of project management: linking project management performance and project success.International Journal of Project Management,32(2), pp.202-217. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 May 2017]. Svejvig, P. and Andersen, P., 2015. Rethinking project management: A structured literature review with a critical look at the brave new world.International Journal of Project Management,33(2), pp.278-290. Turner, J.R., 2014.The handbook of project-based management(Vol. 92). New Mir, F.A. and Pinnington, A.H., 2014. Exploring the value of project management: linking project management performance and project success.International Journal of Project Management,32(2), pp.202-217.York, NY: McGraw-hill. Verzuh, E., 2015.The fast forward MBA in project management. John Wiley Sons. Walker, A., 2015.Project management in construction. John Wiley Sons.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Website Evaluation free essay sample

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